Copyright © infoGrips GmbH, 2025
This documentation describes the GeoShop Mapping API version 2.0 (GSAPI).
The GeoShop Mapping API (GSAPI) is a JavaScript based programming interface to the GeoShop Server. With the GSAPI a JavaScript programmer can easily integrate GeoShop maps or send data orders from his application. The GSAPI consists of the following main objects:
A visual respresentation of a GeoShop map. The GSMap object may be integrated in a HTML DIV element in the user application.
The GSUser object can be queried to get information about GeoShop user properties (preferences, products, views).
Used for GeoShop order processing.
A key/value data structure to pass information to / from GS* objects.
To fully understand this documentation the reader should be familiar with JavaScript programming and the general structure of HTML documents.
[1] GeoShop Server Konfigurationshandbuch (in German).
[2] GeoShop Batch Client (in German).